The Life and Love You Desire is Possible...
and waiting for you to create it
Calling in ‘The One’™
Feng Shui
Conscious Uncoupling™
You are ...
Willing to be the artist and architect of your amazing life
Wanting happy, healthy, loving relationships
Able to release the past, discover new possibilities, live into a future where you feel juicy and alive
Ready to open your heart towards love again
Desiring more intimacy and connection in your partnership
Excited to become the person you will need to be to attract the life and love you desire
Welcome, I’m glad you’re here.
Are you ready to consciously create the life and love of your deepest dreams and desires?
I’m Eileen Jager, Transformative Relationship Coach and Feng Shui expert. Feng Shui is the art and alchemy of understanding how the energy and feeling in our living spaces affect the quality of our lives.
In working with my Calling In “The One” and Conscious Uncoupling coaching clients, I’ve discovered a beautiful symbiotic relationship with feng shui. Activating specific, intentional shifts in your physical environment is a catalyst for more inspired relationships – with yourself, others, and spirit/divinity/life itself.
There’s an alchemical process at play here, where you create conscious spaces and relationships that reflect your desire ~ and they transform you and and your relationships in the process.
On this journey, you will …
You’ll grow a healthy relationship with your feelings, needs and desires, and more authentic relationships with loved ones and life itself. You’ll cultivate Divine Reciprocity, growing your capacity to love and be loved.
You’ll identify and release old stories, patterns, beliefs, unconscious social and cultural conditioning. You’ll breakthrough limitations, moving through stuckness to flow, de-cluttering your mind-heart-home.
You’ll discover your essence - the True You - and begin to live life from this empowered center. You’ll deepen trust in your wisdom and intuition, generating new perspectives and possibilities for life and love.
You’ll set a clear intention as your North Star, learning to navigate uncertainty and complexity with curiosity in a dance of discovery. You’ll learn how to shift awareness at will, activating from your power center.
You’ll grow into your future as an active co-creator of the life and love you desire. You’ll have the clarity and courage to follow your unique path, to be the ARTIST of your amazing life.
You’ll move through the world as a woman centered in your power, attuned to your desire. Shining your radiance, your joy … passion … purpose … presence … with pleasure.
What My Clients Experience
Meet Eileen
Eileen has midwifed the creative process for decades – from the tiniest whisper of an idea, to the fully manifest form. It’s a journey revealed through inspiration, perseverance, vision and trust. She brings these years of experience to support you to become The Creator of the life and love of your deepest dreams and desires.
She is dedicated to creating vibrant, aligned environments that energize all aspects of life. If you experienced yourself as woman in the fullness of your power how would you design your surroundings to support abundance, love, career, radiant health?
Weaving Transformative Coaching skills with her passion for Feng Shui she creates spaces that nourish the fullness of you, living in your greatest gifts, aligned with your desires and souls purpose.
She’s a Dual Credentialed Calling in “The One” and Conscious Uncoupling Coach and a Certified Practitioner of Interior Alignment Feng Shui. She’s a love alchemist and additionally trained in Aura-Soma, SkyDancing Tantra, ISTA and Mama Gena and The School of Womanly Arts.
Eileen is an internationally renown artist specializing in glass mosaic. Glass, light and color have been her passion since an extraordinary experience at Chartres Cathedral in 1979 awakened her to the power of light to illuminate and transform our inner world as well as our outer environment.
Dedicated to creating safe and sacred space for the flourishing of love in your heart and home
You are a multidimensional being made of many moving pieces coming together in the unique expression of you
Beautiful and Brilliant ... Whole and Complete ... in the messy and inspiring work of Creation ...
All of you is welcome here
Bringing beauty and balance to life and love, heart and home
Create Your Space for Love
Luscious Glass Mosaic
Feng Shui for Vibrant Environments
Transformative Coaching
For Life & Love, For Heart & Home