Maori Spirals

A multicultural celebration of art, travel & love. My client, Tanja, is a painter, and her husband is an engineer. They live on the water near the harbor town of Enkhuizen in North Holland, The Netherlands, and they recently built a new home in Amsterdam.

Michelangelo Table

Jerry and Gwen approached me at a high-end craft show, inspired by a specific table in my display. They excitedly told me about their recent trip to Italy. “Oval Lotus” reminded them of Michelangelo’s design for the Piazza del Campidoglio in Rome. They e-mailed me the image; a conversation and site-visit followed and led to the creation of a stunning kitchen table in silver and gold iridescent glass with transparent bronze windows.

Building my Studio

A story of clutter clearing, intention, manifestation, and using feng shui principles to build my studio from the ground up! In the early winter of 2013, I could feel the stirring of something needing to change.


A local bank commissioned me to create a centerpiece for their new building. They believed in my vision and trusted my process of letting the work of art unfold.

Beach House

A custom-made glass art piece (or two!) can make all the difference in transforming an attractive space into a truly beautiful, intimate one. My client had renovated a 1950’s beach house in New London, Connecticut, into her dream home, with a considerable amount of custom work throughout.

Discovering My Passion from the Embers

How I worked with intention to buy a home and rebuild after a fire and ended up discovering my passion and intuitive skill for feng shui. After many years of being a gypsy and letting my passion for glass guide me around the world, I felt it was time to put down roots.

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