What is Feng Shui

Feng shui literally means ‘wind and water’ – the life-force energy that flows through all things. It’s the art & alchemy of understanding how the energy & feeling in our living spaces affect the quality of our lives. Living & working in a vibrant, aligned environment energizes all aspects of your life.

As an artist, coach and consultant I’m skilled at holding the big picture while paying attention to details in ways that are emergent and co-creative. Let’s dream your future into being, creating space in your heart & home to live into your highest self, bringing the fullness of you to life.

Bring More Love to Your Life and More Life to Your Love!

  • Do you feel overwhelmed or uninspired in your space?
  • Is there too much stuff or too little light?
  • Do you feel like there’s never enough time … money … love … energy … (fill in the ___blank___).
  • Do you yearn for more, but don’t know what you desire?
  • Have you made your love altar but still spend weekends alone?
  • Do you feel supported, or are you used to doing it alone?

I can help. I’ve devoted my life to creating vibrant environments that are aligned with my clients intentions and personal style. I blend formal training with intuitive skills and life experience in unique ways for each client and space. You’ll see new possibilities, make empowering changes, and be inspired to create the life & love you desire while being supported by my lyrical, down-to-earth style.

You will benefit from a consultation when you want to:
  • energize, enrich and enhance your quality of life
  • create an inspired sanctuary for your soul
  • generate greater intimacy in relationships
  • make room in your heart and home for love
  • create safety and sanctuary in your home
  • transform your space with color
  • attract new possibilities: health, wealth, relationship, family, career, travel
  • cultivate a garden of delight
  • select, remodel or design a new home or office
  • review a blueprint for balanced energy and flow
  • prepare a property for sale
  • live the life you love and love the life you live!
We called Eileen when we needed to determine just the right colors that would "bring everything together” in our office. There were many considerations: the desire for serenity, the need for professionalism, wanting to be bold in presentation while harmonizing with the existing art on display. Eileen was amazing! A very "cool" thing about Eileen is that she is not only incredibly conscious of color, light, dimension, balance and statement but she can ARTICULATE exactly what she feels, sees and knows.

We HIGHLY recommend Eileen Jager as an individual artist and also as a Feng Shui consultant. You will be amazed.

Mark Tanney
Chiropractor, Northampton MA

As someone whose home is also office, community gathering space, and personal sanctuary, I am interested in whatever brings more beauty and peace into my environment. Eileen applies her deep wisdom and artistic sensibilities to the ancient practice of Feng Shui. Taking time to understand my needs and inspirations, she provided simple and practical solutions that enhance my surroundings and create more ease and flow in my life.

Ingrid Bredenberg
Consultant, Gulfport FL

I called Eileen into my home to help me begin the process of clearing out old energy and clutter, with the intention of making space for a partner in my life. We began in my bedroom. Having a pair of "new eyes" helped me to see solutions that I would not have thought of. Her recommendations opened up the space, creating more room to breathe and space for love in my heart and in my home.

Eileen offers a very supportive presence to help you see new possibilities and make supportive changes in your environment. I highly recommend her for anyone seeking such change.

Teacher, Northampton MA

Although I already had met with a landscaper and had a basic design for the plot of land surrounding my house when I met with Eileen, I was torn between whether to use it, or to start over with a new design using seagrass. Using guided imagery, Eileen helped me gain clarity about the project. She provided me with a Feng Shui overlay of my house and land, mapping out each area to ensure harmony. One specific suggestion she gave was to use red roses in the relationship area and now as I sit on the window seat in that area, looking out to sea, I am surrounded by climbing red and pink roses and a large bed of beach rose.

Rosa Rugosa & Catherine Fosnot
New London CT

Our "elegant and light-filled" retreat center was struggling when we asked Eileen for a Feng Shui consultation. We felt we needed protection from a malevolent neighbor and a way to open to new energies that would support our business. Harnessing the power of intention we ceremonially built an energy wall to shield us from the disgruntled neighbor, and an alter to hold our intentions for a harmonious resolution and new possibilities. The process was mysteriousbut the results were fantastic! We were able to bring our attention back to promoting our center, rebuild our business and sell it to new owners who are benefitting from the energetic and structural shifts we made with Eileen’s guidance.

9 Mountain Retreats, Plainfield MA

Eileen has been providing beautiful sacred spaces for us at SpiritFire for many years. Her work with color and texture brings the community areas of the gathering to life, providing visual form for our practices of music, motion, voice, and seva. Her command of flowing fabric, stunning glass artworkand a sense of space and intention have truly been one of the cherished visual memories people leave the gathering with. We've been honored to work with her and cannot recommend her highly enough!

V. Josselyne Price
Spiritfire Festival

Eileen is gifted and inspiring. Working with her has given me the opportunity to dive deep into the energetics of space ~ the space within me, and the space which I inhabit. Layering the Bagua and 5 element theory, with Intention and Synchro-Alignment creates a multidimensional world of possibilities for creating ~ and living ~ in beauty and harmony. My personal transformation has been profound, and the pleasure and challenges in the process astounding.

New York

When intention and attention align we open to the divine

Every consultation is uniquely tailored to each client. We begin with a Consultation Questionnaire to get an overall history of the house and property, and clarify your goals.  A Life Balance Guide gives a visual map of where your life is in or out of balance and identifies the top two or three areas that need attention. We’ll begin our work there. It’s an emergent, co-creative process and will change your life.

Are you ready for change?
Ready to release the stagnation and clutter of the past and create a vibrant future?
Ready for someone to support you on this sacred journey?

I’m a Certified Practitioner of Interior Alignment®, offering a full five-phase consultation, as well as mini-consultations focusing on color choices, wellness, vitality, intimacy, making room for love, clutter clearing, blueprint review, hands-on furnishing placement, and synchro-alignment. I work with clients around the world in person and on Zoom.

Are you ready to transform your love life? I’m also a Certified Life and Love Coach, working with clients in all stages of relationship. For deep and lasting results feng shui  your space and your heart. You’ll be glad you did!

The past does not create our future – we do. With every thought, word and action.

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