Michelangelo Table

Working together, we can actualize your beautiful visions, you and I

Jerry and Gwen approached me at a high-end craft show, inspired by a specific table in my display. They excitedly told me about their recent trip to Italy. “Oval Lotus” reminded them of Michelangelo’s design for the Piazza del Campidoglio in Rome. They e-mailed me the image; a conversation and site-visit followed and led to the creation of a stunning kitchen table in silver and gold iridescent glass with transparent bronze windows.

All my work is commissioned by PLU’s – people like us – people who appreciate beauty and fine craftsmanship, and enjoy living with art that inspires delight and memories of special places or loved ones.

The design process is often a collaborative one between the client and myself.

We flesh out the dream in conversations, images, and a visioning process. Whenever possible, a site visit to see and experience the space is ideal. We use Zoom or Skype, and email pictures. I attune to your needs and desires while considering the aesthetic of the setting, the use of the room, the overall sense of design and taste, and – most of all – what it is you wish to achieve.

I enjoy the many conversations I’ve had with those who are inspired by the beauty and quality of my work. We dream the space, the room, the house, and the relationship, and it’s so satisfying when I get the call, “We’re building the sunroom / deck / new kitchen…and your work will be the focal point”.

Having art in our home is an important part of our lives. One of the rewards of our involvement in the contemporary craft field is to be able to know and to work with living artists. There’s a wonderful feeling to be able to sit down at, to use and to enjoy a table that we were able to dream of and Eileen was able to bring into reality. This sense of joy began in talking to Eileen and having her bring to bear her artistic sensibilities, her creativity and her skill on a concept that we had. Then to be able to watch the development of the piece through photos and to discuss the piece with Eileen was very exciting. This table is used on a daily basis for very practical purposes. It’s where we eat and it’s where we entertain our family and friends. Any kitchen table can serve those purposes. This one also delights our eyes and nourishes our souls. That come from the artistic merit imparted by the artist.

– Jerry & Gwen Paulson, Alexandria, Virginia

We flesh out the dream in conversations, images, and a visioning process.

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